SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

15/11/2013 – Good Bye Mr Hayter

Retirement Of Les Hayter ESM

Les Hayter retired from the Department of Fire and Emergency Services on Tuesday this week after 13 years as a Manager in the SES Training area.  Les commenced with the SES in the 1980s at the Karratha SES Unit where he not only learnt many skills including Road Crash Rescue, search, storm response, flood response, rescue and Cyclone Operations but, because of his background in education was very quickly sent all over the Pilbara and Kimberley delivering training courses and assessing other SES Volunteers

In January 1994 Les and his family moved to Perth and returned to their family home in South Guildford.  Les then joined the Swan SES in January of that year and was a significant figure in the reshaping of the Swan SES Unit. Late in 1999 Les was appointed as the Swan SES Manager and one week later left that role to become a training Manager with the newly formed FESA

Les spent many years developing, delivering and sorting out the curriculum for SES Volunteers. In the early years Les worked with Janet Undy (later Curran-Undy) to develop the packages into nationally accredited courses. Les spent many hours working nationally with other SES Training Managers to ensure as much consistency across the country as possible

Les’s ground breaking work was recognised in January 2012 when he was awarded (Australia day) with an Emergency Services Medal.  Les re-joined the Swan SES this week and is now assisting the SES Volunteers Association on strategic training and other matters

The Association wishes Les and Gillian all the best in his retirement

Gordon Hall
SES Volunteers Association

