SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

08/10/2013 – Who is Who and When

Who is who and when?
Here is an old photo I have found in my SES archive. Can anybody help with the names of volunteers, the activity and when? Equipment hanging from Debbie’s belt indicates an early vintage Single Rope Techniques (SRT) activity.

Rear Row: 1. Unknown, 2 Unknown (Armadale SES), 3 Unknown, 5 Unknown, 6 David Beard (Rockingham SES)

Middle Row: 7. Unknown, 8 Unknown, 9 Unknown, 10 Unknown, 11 Unknown (Canning SES)

Kneeling in front: 12 Unknown, 13 Unknown, 14 Rod Paterson (Canning SES), 15 Debbie Screene (Armadale SES), 16 Jim Ridgwell (Gosnells SES )

I suspect that Rod Paterson (past career and volunteer SES) and Jim Ridgwell ( still an active volunteer at Gosnells) would have been the SRT instructors.

Can you help identify these characters, if so please email me?

Phillip Petersen ESM

