The DFES Volunteer Conference has a live demonstration slot for the SES on Sunday morning September 22 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. The main practical demonstration ideas raised so far for the SES is vertical rescue/advanced abseil or storm damage/damaged building. The length of the demo is up to 35 minutes.
Some of the considerations will need to include:
- Have a demonstration that meets best practice and all relevant safety techniques.
- outline the space requirements (as there is limited floor space within the pavilion) and what additional props etc would be needed.
- Let us know what they would be demonstrating and how it will benefit the conference delegates
- Provide contact details.
The Association calls for expressions of interest from SES Units or groups of Volunteers who are interested in conducting this demonstration. In the first instance the Association will require an email outlining (no more than 2 pages) the concept of your live demonstration and how you could conduct it.
Once the Association narrows down the field more detail will be sought.
Closing date for expressions of interest is 14 April 2013.
Please address all expressions of interest to;
The SESVA Secretary
And these will be forwarded to the SESVA Committee for consideration