SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

26/02/2013 – Media Statement support for SES Volunteers

Media Statement
State Emergency Services
Volunteers Association WA
Tuesday 26 February 2013

SES Volunteers congratulate Labor for election commitment

The State Emergency Service Volunteers Association (SESVA) has congratulated the Labor Party for its promise to develop and legislate a Volunteer Charter in the next term of Government.  SESVA President David Price said today’s commitment from Shadow Emergency Services Minister Margaret Quirk provided a much-needed morale boost for his members.  “Many dedicated, long-term SES volunteers have been feeling neglected and deeply misunderstood by the current administration,” Mr Price said.  “We look forward to seeing the detail of the Labor Party’s proposed Volunteer Charter, but take great heart in simply knowing that at least some community leaders understand the fact that volunteers have vastly different motives and needs to their paid ‘career’ counterparts.”  “Our members have no desire or time to get involved in politics, but they will be very pleased to learn that political leaders are publicly acknowledging their contribution and personal sacrifice.” “While our volunteers just want to get on with helping local communities, the Association is committed to ensure they are not overlooked by political or bureaucratic decisions.”  “Given the current, wide-spread feeling that many of those decisions are being thrust upon us without consultation or due regard for the impact they have on our volunteers, it is very positive to see the Labor Party prove that it is listening.”  “We sincerely hope all other political parties follow suit immediately,” Mr Price concluded.

For interviews and further information:
Mr David Price
Mobile: 0407 449 008

