SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

25/01/2013 – Menzies Land Search Operation update

Here is the latest update re Menzies LandSAR:

  • The search for Michael Keith GRAHAM continued today.
  • The role of State Emergency Services volunteers is now limited to air observer roles onboard search aircraft.
  • Police Officers are continuing with the ground search.
  • A team of five Traffic Enforcement Group officers from Perth are deploying to the search ground tomorrow to search on off-road motorcycles.
  • The TRG tracking team are continuing to search.
  • Police Air Wing are continuing to provide support and will search through the night and tomorrow.
  • A local helicopter is still being used to search and will be part of the search teams tomorrow.
  • There have been no significant developments today.

