SEARCHERS have found the teenager who went missing while quad biking with his father and friends in state forest about 80km south-east of Perth. Dennis Dear was riding his quad bike with his father in state forest near Flint, about 80km southeast of Perth, at 9.30am on Sunday when he disappeared.
The teenager, believed to be suffering dehydration, was found this morning. He is being treated by paramedics and will be airlifted to hospital by the RAC Rescue helicopter. It is believed he has been without water for more than 24 hours in extreme 40C temperatures yesterday and today, when the temperature has already climbed into the high 30Cs. At nearby Dwellingup it was 35C at 11am. Up to 80 State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers in the operation and assisted police at the scene.
Searchers found his abandoned quad bike late last night, but they did not locate the boy till mid-morning today.