SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

01/11/2012 – DEC Fire Fighter Dies

The 45-year-old firefighter injured after she was engulfed in flames near Albany last month has died.  The Department of Environment and Conservation firefighter was trapped in the path of the fire after strong winds changed direction as she and her 24-year-old colleague fought a blaze on a private property near Two Peoples Bay on October 12.  The 24-year-old woman remains in a stable condition at Royal Perth Hospital.  The 45-year-old woman had suffered burns to 60 per cent of her body and had been in a critical condition. She died at RPH this morning.  The women had been with about 20 other firefighters when they were injured about 3pm.  Four other men in the group, who included DEC and volunteer firefighters, were treated at Albany Hospital for minor burns and smoke inhalation.

David Price President, Committee Members and Members of the SESVA expresses our deepest condolences to the fire fighters family, friends and her colleges in DEC.  David said” she has paid ultimate sacrifice while protecting the Community. 

