SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

11/04/2012 – Massacre at Gnomesville Hamlet


Phillip Petersen reports that since the very sad event of the massacre at Gnomesville Hamlet a few years ago where the Gnomeville SES unit gnomes were destroyed in a senseless attack by vandals, I am pleased to report that the community has survived. In fact the  Gnomesville Hamlet has grown from 1000 to 6000 gnomes of all shapes and sizes since the massacre in 2007. The Gnoman Empire is growing.

The Perth based Melville SES unit sent a replacement SES gnome team and the mean and nasty vandals were apprehended by the police thanks to the reward incentive offered by the SES Volunteers Association and the curse that follows anyone who damages or offend gnomes.

People from all over the world travel to Gnomesville  to leave their own gnomes to enjoy the tranquillity of the forests  and the quiet gnomes life. Whilst many gnomes and caring folk from the Wellington Mills Community Association did suffer Post Gnomatic Syndrome, recovery has been e-gnomas.

Report Nick Wade of Channel Ten, Perth, ran a news story on the evening Monday 9 April covering the event.       Once at this page you will see the Perth News panel to the right.  To find the story click on the right arrow to find the Gnome story.

PDF of original material published in the “The SES Volunteer” Gnome Story.pdf


