SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”


As you are probably aware, following the release of the Keelty Report in to the Perth Bush Fires, the premier has made some announcements that will directly impact on FESA and the State Emergency Service.  These announcements include FESA becoming a government department, consideration of a Fire Commissioner and abolishing the Board.  The Government has appointed an interim CEO and has commenced advertising for a replacement Chief Executive Officer.

Further to this the Government has formed committees to work through a number of areas for the restructuring of a new Department for Emergency Services.  Out of all of this at no time has there been any criticism of the SES volunteers and the effective and timely work they do, in fact the Keelty report was only critical of the higher end of the command chain.  The SES Volunteers Association committee has met and has put a strategy together to getting the best deal possible and reinstating some of the losses we have recently suffered.

The Association has written to the interim CEO requesting an urgent meeting to discuss the way forward and how the State Emergency Service volunteers can have representation on the newly formed committees.  The Association has also written to the Department of Premier and Cabinet requesting a meeting to discuss the future of the State Emergency Service within a new Department .  We request your support and assistance and please feel free to provide any feedback or comments to your regional representatives.

We will update the SESVA website as we move through this process.
David Price
SES Volunteers Association
23 August 2011

