SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

27/01/2011 – Dinghy rescue successful in Esperence

Two Esperance men had a close call on the weekend when their dinghy overturned while at sea.  A 45-year-old man was able to swim to shore to get help, but the other man, in his 20s, could not swim so remained with the boat for about three hours.  Senior constable Phil Jeffries said the boat had drifted away from its original location, which made it harder for the two SES volunteers to find him.  “We organised a fixed wing aircraft to look for the man and found him about a quarter to 11 this morning,” he said on Saturday. Sen Const Jeffries said it would have saved a lot of time and effort if the men had safety vests, radios, flares or oars to row to safety.  “It just reinforces to everyone that you cannot be lax about safety, even if you are just going out for a casual fish,” he said.  Sen Const Jeffries said it was an expensive rescue but was glad the man was now safe

Source:- The West Australian

