David Price President and Committee members of the SES Volunteers Association congratulates the winners of the 2010 SES awards. The SES awards were presented at a spectacular and glittering awards night ceremony held Saturday night at the Burswood Complex with over four hundred people attending including SES Volunteers, families and distinguished guests.
The State Emergency Service (SES) Awards are given to acknowledge commitment and dedication of SES Volunteers who helpi to keep their local communities safe. Each of the finalists had made an exceptional contribution to their area and it is wonderful to see them recognised for their valuable work. These awards give the SES the opportunity to acknowledge those volunteers who have gone beyond the call of duty. It is also an opportunity to thank all of our SES volunteers who continue to commit countless hours to keeping communities safe. Volunteers freely give their own time to help between work and family commitments to attend training and incidents.
Mr Price congratulated each of the winners of their awards. He said “ there can only be one winner is each category however there are some many dedicated SES Volunteers in WA and each should be given an award for their dedication and commitment”. Awards are presented in three categories. The nominees were judged on their dedication to duty, involvement in development or implementation of programs, contribution to the service and excellence in preparedness, response and safety at an incident.
2010 State Emergency Service Awards
Peter Keillor Award
The Peter Keillor Award, named after a former Murray SES volunteer, goes to a volunteer who has gone beyond the call of duty in demonstrating a high level of dedication and commitment to the SES and was presented to Trevor Patton – Karratha SES Unit.
Team Achievement Award
The collective work of a team or unit is recognised with the Team Achievement Award and was presented to Mandurah SES Training Section
Youth Achievement Award
Volunteers aged 16 to 25 years who have made a valuable contribution to their unit are recognised with the Youth Achievement Award. And was presented to Phillip Hale – Bayswater SES Unit
The National Medal recognises 15 years of diligent service by members of organisations that help the community during times of crisis, including Western Australian State Emergency Service volunteers. Each additional 10 years of service is recognised by a clasp to the medal, Congratulations to the following volunteers who are receiving their National Medals and clasps at the 2010 State Emergency Service Awards.
National Medal recipients
Peter Austin Canning/ South Perth SES .
Christopher Brondsema Stirling SES
Bradley Green Collie SES
David Maclean Kalamunda SES
Gary Moore Tom Price SES
Sheena Ryan Mounted Section
1st Clasp recipients
Harry Williams Pingelly SES
Paul Allard Belmont SES
Derek Bilney Stirling SES
Neil Davidson Mandurah SES (posthumous)
Peter Hayward Belmont SES
Debora Hutchinson Regional Operations Support Section
Ross HutchinsonRegional Operations Support Section
Desmond Oregioni Kalamunda SES
David (John)Whlte Kalamunda SES
A message from FESA’s Chief Executive Officer given at the Awards night
Welcome to the 2010 State Emergency Service Awards. lt is an event I particularly look forwood to, and this year is no exception. These awards recognise the outstanding contribution made to communities, not just by tonight’s finalists, but by every SES volunteer across our vast state, Congratulations to all those volunteers nominated for the 2010 awards. Not everyone can win, but nomination itself is recognition of the esteem in which you are held.
The SES Awards highlight individuals, teams and younger unit members, This combination of experience, working together and youth, underpins the ability of the SES to carry out a variety of tasks, often in difficult and potentially dangerous conditions. Last year we celebrated the golden anniversary of the SES and as the service enters its second half century, members have again demonstrated the attributes of dedication, commitment and excellence that are its strength.
We are grateful for the 1,900 volunteers throughout the state who proudly wear the distinctive orange uniform of the SES. Together with a network of supportive family, friends, employers and colleagues, you make a vital contnbution to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority and wider community.
0n behalf of the FESA family, thank you for your fantastic efforts throughout the past year which have seen you attend more than 680 call outs. You have helped West Australians through some of the worst natural disasters in the state’s history, including cyclones, destructive hailstorms, the Kalgoorlie earthquake and assisting at last December’s Toodyay bushfires.
National SES Week has been in full swing around Australia since 7 November. The event’s strong public support is evidence of how much communities around our state and the nation appreciate the tremendous work done by SES volunteers who help to keep them safe, recover and rebuild when emergencies occur.
Today also marks the conclusion of the 2010 SES Conference with its theme of We Serve Safely, and that is the message I would like you to take back to your teams and communities. Keep safe as you continue the important work of the SES during the traditionally busy cyclone and summer seasons,
Jo Harrison-Ward
FESA Chief Executive Office