SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

01/07/2010 – Paul Hollamby Deputy Manager of Gosnells SES turns 40

Paul Hollamby Deputy Manager of Gosnells SES celebrated his 40th birthday in Dunsborough on the weekend with his wife Michelle and five other couples.   On Saturday they toured the South West Region in their spectacular ‘P’ themed fancy dress finery, had lunch at the Bootleg Brewery and enjoyed tastings of fine wines, golden ales, delicious liqueurs and fascinating fortifieds. Paul was a Pirate and took along his Pirate Wench, they were joined by  Mary Poppins, Poccohontis, Sgt Pepper,  2 punks, Austin Powers,  Pink Lady, a Pimp, Prostitute and a penguin.  Great fun was had by all and it was agreed that the head ache on Sunday was worth it.

From the SESVA happy birthday Paul !!!!!!!!

