SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

13/03/2010 – WA SES Volunteers return home after deployment

WA SES Volunteers are returning  home after deployment to Melbourne following largest hailstorm event in Melbourne’s recorded history, SES volunteers from WA assisted in the repair of over 300 damaged homes.   Volunteers can fom the following SES units,  Moora, Northam, Rockingham, Murray, Collie, Armadale, Bunbury, North Shore, Manjimup, Canning, Stirling, Bassendean, Gosnells, Melville, Kalamunda, and WannerooJoondalup.

SESVA President Dave Price said “this was a very successful deployment with Volunteers from WA responding with speed and professionalism to this event”.

FESA CEO, Ms Jo Harrison-ward said she was extremely proud of the volunteers and added that the team’s efforts were well appreciated in Victoria.

