SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

10/02/2010 – Dumbleyung Storm

There has been widespread damage in the Great Southern town of Dumbleyung from a storm which ripped through the region on Tuesday afternoon.  The storm damaged houses and brought down trees and damaged powerlines and other utilities.  Up to 30 buildings, including the local school have been damaged. SES Units from the Region have been called to provide assistance.  Metro SES units were placed on standby in case additional assistance was required.

Update !!!!

SES District Manager Glenn Hall advises:

SES volunteers from Albany and Narrogin, with assistance from volunteer Fire and Rescue Service and Bush Fire Service firefighters, local Police and council workers will continue to assess the damage this morning. They will also begin fixing up damage to roofs and buildings and clearing trees from roads.

Reported damage in Dumbleyung includes:
•    Dumbleyung Primary School has lost half its roof
•    Part of the hotel roof has collapsed.
•    Dumbleyung Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service building lost both roller doors

Reported damage in Gnowangerup includes:
•    Roof and wall damage to homes
•    Shire sporting complex has lost part of its roof (but it is the old part of the building so not of much concern)

No other calls have been received from other areas in the Great Southern overnight but an update will be provided if more calls come in this morning.

