SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

06/05/2024 – Summary of the SESVA Management Committee Meeting April 2014


Legislation Working Group

The draft SESVA Legislation Position Paper is being formatted for printing. It is proposed to release the document soon and provide briefings to key stakeholders. It is uncertain whether the Green Paper will be released this year.

Media and PR Strategy sub-committee

The inaugural meeting of this sub-committee on 21 March was extremely positive with the next meeting scheduled for June. The Media & PR Strategy sub-committee has oversight of various sub-committees, including the Heritage group.

ICT Working Group

Action items include issues relating to the cyber security and spamming and implementing solutions, as well as establishing Multi Factor Authentication for the SESVA website, email system and data storage. Discussion also included Password Management and SESVA Facebook page administration.

SESVA Constitution – review

While the VA Constitution is being reviewed and while it meets the model rules of the Associations Act in WA, it needs to be more contemporary in some areas. Management Committee members are providing comment.

Training Matters

Management Committee members are meeting with Chief Superintendent Peter Curran to raise learning and development related issues. President, Secretary, Les Hayter, Alan Hawke are also attending 20th April Training Forum (refer to Training Forum article elsewhere in this edition of the Newsletter).


Fundraising – NSESA Raffle

Raffle No. 2 has been launched in WA.

Fitness for Role Meeting

A report of the meeting has been provided to the Executive. The report to be sent to Management Committee members along with a copy of the PowerPoint presentation provided by Mitch Sewell. These to be circulated to all member units, with feedback being encouraged. Those units who have not yet indicated their preference to be reminded to do so before an update is provided to the FES Commissioner on the SESVA position relating to the adoption and implementation of the FFR Program and Framework.

Marking the 65th Anniversary of SES

The 65th anniversary of the SES in WA aligns with the 125th anniversary of Fire Services in WA. Celebrating the SES 65th anniversary would provide an opportunity for SES to celebrate with other SES members. Some SES unit members of have indicated their interest in assisting with a SES 65th Anniversary event in October or November. If organising the event proved practicable and successful this could set a precedent for future anniversaries being celebrated in this manner. The Management Committee are prepared to support the proposal.

SESVA PR Photo Frames – planned distribution and use

The SES photo panel, which is SES WOW Day specific on one side and SES generic on the other has been designed for use by SES Units in their public relations/community engagement activities, notably WOW Day. Twelve frames have been produced at this point and, as the frames are quite large, it is envisaged one frame would be provided to each Management Committee member as custodians where they become a ‘pick up and drop off point’ for their region’s units to borrow.


