SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

30/03/2010 – Emergency cyclone kit

Are your batteries, water and canned food still in date?

People in the Pilbara and Gascoyne should go through their emergency cyclone kit to check the expiry date on food, water and batteries in preparation for more cyclones expected in the next two months.

The Bureau of Meteorology says at least two more cyclones could form near Western Australia between March and April.

Pilbara FESA Regional Director John Newman said people living or travelling in WA’s cyclone belt should be prepared.

“As we move well past the mid way point of the season it’s easy for people to be complacent about their preparations,” Mr Newman said.

“We’ve already seen Cyclone Laurence cross the coast as a category five this season causing major localised damage.

“There’s a significant risk of another severe cyclone impacting on WA before the end of the season and people should be ready.”

Mr Newman said now was the time for people to check their cyclone kit was up to date.

“A cyclone kit is essential for short term survival whether you shelter at home or relocate to safer accommodation because power and water supply may be out and buildings may be damaged,” he said.

“Check that your batteries and stored foods are in date and that any drinking water you have previously stored is still drinkable.”

Your cyclone kit should include:

  • Portable battery operated AM/FM radio
  • Spare batteries
  • Mobile phone, charger, phone card
  • First aid kit and medications
  • Spare car, house keys
  • Toiletries
  • Wallet, cash, credit cards, photo I.D
  • Waterproof torches
  • Emergency contacts list
  • Waterproof matches/lighter
  • Combination pocket knife
  • Four day supply of non-perishable food and drinking water (about three litres per person per day)
  • Can opener
  • Portable gas stove
  • Eating and cooking utensils
  • Extra water for washing and cooking
  • Special foods and needs for your pets, young children, elderly, disabled or injured people • If you relocate you will need waterproof plastic bags to take important documents, valuables and family photos. Sleeping bags, blankets, towels, raincoats, spare clothes, gloves, hat, tent or tarpaulin, pens, paper, books and cards or games to keep the family occupied.
  • Consider copying important documents and photos to a portable USB drive



