SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

27/09/2012 – Report of trauma by workers and volunteers arising from disasters

The Community Development and Justice Standing Committee has now completed its Inquiry into the recognition and adequacy of the responses by State Government agencies to experience of trauma by workers and volunteers arising from disasters

The report is titled The Toll of Trauma on Western Australian Emergency Staff and Volunteers and it was tabled in the Legislative Assembly of the Western Australian Parliament on Thursday 27 September 2012.
A a link to a PDF copy of the report:  View the full report

From the executive Summary

The evidence gathered by the Committee clearly showed that Western Australian agencies have processes for dealing with the trauma of emergency staff that are less advanced than in other jurisdictions. This left first responder agencies derelict in their duties to some of their staff and volunteers exposed to traumatic incidents.  Source: From the executive Summary of Report No 10

SESVA representative, Phillip Petersen ESM,  contributed to this inquiry on behalf of SES volunteers and the SESVA

