SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

10/05/2012 – 80 Channel UHF CB RADIO FYI

80 Channel UHF CB RADIO  

A New Standard

The ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority) reviewed the arrangements for the UHF CB band. As a result the ACMA decided to restructure the UHF CB band, increasing its capacity from 40 up to 80 channels – with 75 for voice communications and 2 for telemetry totalling 77 useable channels (the remaining 3 channels are restricted for possible future use).

Users will soon see the terms ‘Wideband’ and ‘Narrowband’ being used to describe older radios and newer radios. Older radios that operate on only 40 UHF-CB channels are Wideband radios and newer radios that will operate on the 77 UHF-CB channels are Narrowband radios. Both Narrowband radios and Wideband radios can communicate together normally as always on the first 40 channels. Only the new Narrowband radios will have the additional channels up to channel 80.

A Summary of Special Channel Usage in the 80 Channels

Here is a summary of planned channel usage:

  • Channels 22 and 23 are reserved for telemetry and telecommand. Voice transmission is prohibited on these channels.
  • Channel 61, 62 and 63 are restricted for possible future use. Uniden radios can be user upgraded to use these channels should the ACMA legalise their use.
  • There are 16 Duplex channels 1 to 8 (31 to 38) and 41 to 48 (71 to 78).
  • Channel 5 (+Duplex 35) remains the emergency channel.

Some manufactures, such as Uniden, Oricom and GME, have designed radios in preparation for this change. Depending upon the model, the upgrade might be by the user or by a dealer.

Source: Uniden,


